Partnership success stories

group of people learning about tree planting in a forest

Explore our partnerships

Partnership success stories

Forestry England is an organisation like no other. Not only can we offer opportunities to work with us on our industry-leading environmental initiatives, but we can provide unique opportunities to engage the public, your staff and stakeholders. 

As one of our partners, you’ll be joining a select pool of businesses planting trees for the future and supporting valuable wildlife conservation initiatives, with additional opportunities to incorporate exclusive initiatives for your staff wellbeing programme. 

Read more about our previous partnerships and to see how we can support your environmental and wellbeing goals get in touch

Past partnership case studies

Pieminister in the forest

Our award nominated partnership contributed to Pieminister’s sustainability goals and planted 8,600 trees.

Forest Runner wooden medal

With a shared vision to get people outdoors and active, we partnered with Merrell for the Forest Runner 5k and 10k running series.

Group of people waving happily in a forest

Our first Future Forest Collective partner, the initiative committed to protecting our natural environment to help people, wildlife and nature thrive.

Get in touch with us to see how we can work together for climate and wellbeing.